Kam's Kitchen

Kam's Kitchen 1

So my kitchen became a hot topic during our last Brunch Bash…Kam, “Where did you get those spoons from?” and, “Ok, hyper-blender I see you blendin”… followed by, “Kam, can you come cook and style my kitchen?!”

As Sham said, I love everything COLORFUL!! From the food that goes on my plates the plates to the spoons that serve it. Some of my kitchen tools are oldies but goodies, while other’s are new additions. So I searched, and good news the cooking tools that are in my kitchen are available on Amazon and at Target 😬

Kam's Kitchen 2

Of all these items, my absolute FAVORITE little kitchen wonder is the Dash Mini-Waffle maker, by far the best $10 I’ve ever spent 🧇🥰  #notanad #IjustLOVEwaffles

Kam's Kitchen 3

Now you don’t need colorful cookware to make something great in the kitchen, but for those of you who would like to add a little splash of wonderful to your countertop, click links below for more information the items mentioned in this post.

Love that you’re in my life, Waffle Maker

Easy to clean, Silicone Baking Cups

The Blender & Food Processor Extraordinaire

Colors for every occasion, Cooking Utensils

Keep cooking up deliciousness,

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Don’t you throw away those bananas!

You Deserve More Pineapple! 🍍